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Skills & Knowledge of Cost Engineering. Рекомендованная литература
Дискретное производство продукции
Структура организации проекта
Элементы затрат и их оценка
Wright, Paul Kenneth. 2001. 21st Century Manufacturing. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
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U.S. Dept. of Defense. Armed Services Pricing Manual. Commerce Clearing House, Inc. (latest revision)
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Player, Steve, and David Keys. 1995. Activity-Based Management: Arthur Andersen’s Lessons from the ABM Battlefield. MasterMedia Limited
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Peters and Waterman. 1984. In Search of Excellence. Warner Books, Inc.
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Newnan, D. G., J. P. Lavelle, and T. G. Eschenbach. 2013. Engineering Economic Analysis, 12th Edition. New York: Oxford University Press. 7.8
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Meyer, C. 1993. Fast Cycle Time. New York: The Free Press
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Meigs, Walter B., Charles E. Johnson, and Robert F. Meigs. 1977. Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
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Mazda, F. 1998. Engineering Management. Addison- Wesley. Harlow, England
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Lewis, James. 2000. Project Manager’s Desk Reference, 2nd Edition. New York: McGraw Hill
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Kalpakjian, Serope. 1991. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials. 2nd ed. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
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Hayes, Robert H., Steven C. Wheelwright, and Kim B. Clark. 1988. Dynamic Manufacturing: Creating the Learning Organization. New York: The Free Press
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Hammer, M., and J. Champy. 2006. Reengineering The Corporation. New York: HarperBusiness
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Hamel, Gary. Leading the Revolution. Harvard Business School Press
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DeGarmo, E. P., W. G. Sullivan, J. A. Bontadelli, and E.M Wicks. 1997. Engineering Economy, Tenth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
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Creese, R.C. 1998. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes and Materials. New York: Marcel Dekker
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Callahan, Michael T., Daniel G. Quackenbush, and James E. Rowings. 1992. Construction Project Scheduling. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992
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Azadivar, Farhad. 1984. Design And Engineering of Production Systems. San Jose, California: Engineering Press, Inc.
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